Rick Hanson's

Tandy/Radio Shack Models 100, 102 and 200
We call these Model "T" computers!

Club 100, San Diego, CA

Dear friends, on April 30, 2011, Rick Hanson, the Proprietor of Club100, passed away. Over the past 2 decades, Rick had nearly single-handedly kept the Model 100 (and family) laptops going through his amazing dedication, passion and support. Through this dedication, Rick became friends with and touched the lives of many people across the globe and will be missed dearly. Be at peace Rick. In a humble attempt to uphold his vision, several of the Club100 members are striving to keep Club100 going. - Ken -

NADSBox ... by Ken Pettit, inventor/engineer
Throw your TPDD/TPDD2 away and forget cables and programs for file transfer. New Age Digital Storage Box ... solid state storage to a media card which can be read on a PC! ... plugs into the RS232 port and is accessed by ts-dos just like a drive. NADSBoxes are no longer manufactured unfortunately.

NADSBox Essentials
NADSBox Wiki by Ken Pettit ...must read!
User's Guide v1.0.2 (pdf) ...must read!
Overview / News Release
Storage Card Readme & files
Free TPDD/TPDD2 to SanDisk NADSBox service
• Latest Firmware v1.05 (zip)
• News! Blog post by Shaun Wheeler
• News! Article by John Stewart Socha (Jack)
• News! Article by Matthew Reed
• News! Retrobits podcast - REX and NADSBox are discussed

REX ... by Steve Adolph, inventor/engineer
REX ... the ultimate option ROM/RAM add-on. Until now, Model 100/102/200 were limited to use of only one option ROM at a time, and file storage required an external device. Those days are over. REX plugs into the option ROM socket, and via its user friendly management OS, users have access to 768 Kbytes of flexible flash based storage. Flash memory is both rewritable and erasable, yet retains its data with zero power draw, making it ideal for battery powered laptops like the Model T. This memory may be used for option ROMs, RAM backups and even file storage. With loads of file and program storage, and all the ROM software ever produced, REX is the ideal memory enhancement for the ModelT. In a word: Heaven! REX are priced at $60 each. REX are in stock and ready to ship. Order Form

REX Essentials
REX Wiki by Steve Adolph ...must read!

Very Cool Club 100 Logo Items
By popular demand Club 100 offers Club100 mugs, t-shirts, calendars, and more.

Click on the mug ...

Newest Gadgets ... see Catalog
REX 200 ... create multiple ROM and RAM banks
REX 100/102 ... create multiple ROM and RAM banks
NADSBox ... solid state portable storage to PC Card / eazy file transfers!
2 x 24K Model 200 RAM module ... one module, 2 banks of 24K ea

Using an older machine? Consider a service, such as this HP3000 migration company, to keep your files intact.
Products and Services
Read Me FirstCatalogOrder Form
Blog (Updated 04-Feb-11)

Anniversary Programming Contests
30th Anniversary Contest 2013
29th Anniversary Contest 2012 Canceled
27th Anniversary Contest 2010 Ended
21st Anniversary Contest 2004 Ended

Model "T" Learning -&- Support Center
New to Model "T" computing? These links will help you get going.
Model 100 Discussion List Home Page. This is a MUST! ... subscribe to the list to ask questions, get great answers and meet fellow Model "T"ers. Our discussion list is your #1 resource and help center. It's FREE and worldwide.
Wiki by Bitchin100.com and their Classic M100 Articles feature.
VirtualT Virtual T is a TRS-80 Model 100/102/200 emulator that runs on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. The goal of Virtual T is to provide 100% hardware emulation so any existing programs will run. It also adds powerful development and debugging tools.
Model 100, 102, 200 Machine Differences
Jump to Information Categories...
Dave Jones's video blog - M100 Teardown NEW!

Meet Fellow Model "T"ers, like yourself
Faces -&- NamesThe Co-Sysop Team

Member-2-Member Features
World-Wide Model "T" RegistryM100 ForsaleM100 WantedM100 Guestbook
These features are free and dedicated to Model "T" computing machines and accessories.

A big thanks to Gary Weber (www.web8201.com) for setting up the Vintage Notebooks web ring.

I built TOON T in 1992 and used it for Club 100 marketing. Sadly, TOON T is no longer with us. For my latest build, see The Adventures of Black Widow 2

Club 100 accepts donations where you can help keep the club running and the website updated. If you like this club, please help support it -- $5, $10 or $20 (or $1 million) from a few people always helps. Please donate a little bit. Thank you... -Ken-


Transferring Files Between Computers

The HOT Set-Up #1
Alternative Methods
An Old Favorite Method

Information Categories
This is where it's at for documented information on all things Model 100/102/200 et al. And please understand that 'people' are connected to all this information and so much more ... that is why joining the
Model "T" Discussion List, as mentioned above is so very important.
Support Files <---- for most quick answers look here,
Y2K Solutions
Documentation <---- here,
Technical Reference
The Whole Enchilada <---- and here.
Portable 100 Magazine
Radio Amateurs List by Ron Wiesen

Programming Libraries by Category
How to use the programs in this library

Personal Libraries NEW!
As a fellow Model "T"er you may request and secure a personal library and populate it with your Model 100, 102 and 200 programs and support files for all to use and enjoy. A big thanks to Ken Pettit for setting this up.

The BBS Libraries dating back to 1983
Telcom & BBS
Graphics & Timers
Business & Temps

Five Special Libraries
Paul Globman
Old Member Uploads from BBS
EME Systems Product Support Files
Commercial Pgms now in the Public Domain
The CompuServe M100SIG Library (4136 files! 23Meg!)

Club 100 thanks Lizard Hill Hosting for their generous service in hosting all of the Club 100 program and documentation files (over 1 gigabyte) for the continued benefit of Model 100, 102 and 200 owners world wide. Club 100 encourages folks to choose Lizard Hill Hosting as their domain hosting service. -Rick-

N E W S -&- S T O R I E S

Club 100 in the News
27-Feb-2002 San Jose Mercury News
15-Feb-2002 San Francisco Chronicle
01-Feb-2002 The Seattle Times
09-Aug-2001 TechTV Broadcast and Web Article
04-Jul-2001 San Francisco Chronicle
March 2000 Wired Magazine
Fall 1998 Invention & Technology Magazine
CyberLife Television Segment
Stories with Photos
The Club 100 Warehouse
Model 100 reconditioning process
The Club 100 Computer Lab
The Club 100 Model "T"s ... computers and car!
We called it our monthly computer meeting
Club 100 at the Computer Show
The 2nd Decade Commitment (1993 to 2003)
Rick Hanson & family


Club 100 is a now simply a hobby/business.

Support is what Club 100 is all about...
The Original Laptop Computer . . . 1983