The Club 100 Model "T"s... |
There I was. Minding my own business, when out of the blue, this photographer shows up and wants to take some pictures. Well actually, I knew he was coming. He was dispatched out of San Francisco, for American Heritage of Technology & Invention magazine (a Forbes publication), doing a story on the Model 100 computer. I spent most of a day the week prior with the Editor, Frederick Allen.
Knowing that the photographer was going to show up that afternoon, I staged a shot with some Model "T"s and stuff, stacked about TOON-T, not knowing what they really wanted. He shots some rolls of the lay up, then shot some more rolls in the lab. While he was shooting slides for the magazine, he took a roll of print film for me. Here are three shots from that roll.
Front shot of me in TOON-T with piles of Model 100s, an NEC-PC8201a by the back wheel, and some Model 200s. There's also a stack of tpdds and tpdd2s, a portable printer in the shot, a CCR-81 tape recorder, some issues of Portable 100 Magazine and some of the brown-binder Model 100 programs on tape once sold by Tandy.
Here's a side shot of the same stuff. TOON-T is a 1923 Ford Model "T" body on an aftermarket frame. It's powered by a 1950 Ford flathead V8 and C4, 3-speed auto trans. The reason for the car and the computers together has to do with the fact that the Model 100 series computers are now called Model "T" computers. And, like the Model " T" automobile, they are still going strong after all these years.
This is the back of TOON-T. TOON, as I refer to it, is a hot rod pick-up with a bobbed bed. It got its name from the Disney movie, "Who Framed Roger Rabbit," on which it was based. TOON-T is a "theme" car, reminiscent of the types of cars built in the '60s and displayed at roadster shows to draw a crowd. But unlike a show car, TOON is a driver with almost 16,000 miles since 1993. TOON is a nice cruiser both on and off the freeway. On the freeway, it scoots along comfortably at 60 mph, but can go faster -- I don't, though. I just like to cruise -- especially on the back roads and hills around the San Francisco Bay Area.

The Original Laptop Computer . . . 1983