Club 100 thanks Lizard Hill Hosting for their generous service in hosting all of the Club 100 program and documentation files (over 1 gigabyte) for the continued benefit of Model 100, 102 and 200 owners world wide. Club 100 encourages folks to choose Lizard Hill Hosting as their domain hosting service. -Rick-
Document Hosting Provided by Lizard Hill Hosting
- ALT-AZ.BA 6660 (02-25-91)
- Converts ALT-AZ to Equitorial coordinates for a telescope and visa versa.
- AREAS.BA 952 (06-30-88)
- Program to calculate the area of several different geometric figures.
- BIBOOK.BA 2201 (06-30-88)
- A bible book quiz game.
- DECIDE.BA 3810 (11-20-87)
- A decision-making program It can be a game or a tool. It asks you what the decision is and asks you to weigh several factors against each other.
- ELIZA.BA 7486 (11-20-87)
- Eliza the Psychologist is now open for business, to answer all your questions and solve your problems.
- FACTOR.BA 4649 (07-02-88)
- Does a variety of operations on factoring and enumerating math sets.
- FLTSIM.BA 8227 (07-01-88)
- A flight simulator program that allows you to practice take-offs and landings, or fly an emergency approach.
- FRACT.BA 953 (11-20-87)
- This program asks for two fractions as input, adds them, and reduces the numerator and denominator until they have no common divisor.
- GEO-ED.BA 6601 (07-01-88)
- Geographical game. Two player game where one player names a location and the other player must name a location whose first letter is the same as the last letter of the word before.
- HALLEY.BA 3677 (06-30-88)
- Halley's comet tracker program. Lets you enter any date and the program will calculate time, comet, earth and venus.
- HERO.BA 2457 (06-08-89)
- Test your knowledge of famous pulp heros.
- HRTEST.BA 1358 (11-20-87)
- This interesting program will test your hearing by listening to different tones produced by the Model 100. It tells the user what the tones were.
- IQTEST.BA 2287 (11-19-87)
- This is an IQ tester which is similar to the SAT, ACT and WEST tests in high schools and colleges. The program gives a result which is called a Sten Score.
- MATH.BA 3311 (06-30-88)
- A variety of different math drills. Allows you to easily change how hard the drill is.
- MATHEX.BA 6804 (10-23-89)
- Arithmetic exercises with a built in grading system.
- MEMORY.BA 3425 (06-30-88)
- A memory concentration game. This program can improve your memory.
- MINRLS.BA 7647 (06-30-88)
- This is a program to help you find out what kind of mineral you are naming.
- MOON.BA 2668 (11-20-87)
- Amazing program helps you learn and see, the phases of the moon. Includes graphic pictures of the moon.
- PETREV.BA 1436 (11-20-87)
- This interesting program will test the hearing of animals by playing a small tune in any of nine octaves, each octave higher than the other.
- QZ-100.BA 3005 (07-01-88)
- ARTS.DO 3199 (07-01-88)
- BOXING.DO 3026 (07-01-88)
- DISNEY.DO 2074 (07-01-88)
- HORSES.DO 2348 (07-01-88)
- Model 100 Quiz program. Very well put together. Answer questions true or false. ARTS.DO, BOXING.DO, DISNEY.DO, HORSES.DO are data files.
- ROCKT2.BA 4464 (11-20-87)
- ROCKT2.DO 1789 (11-20-87)
- Solves the basic equation for a single stage rocket in the absence of drag and gravity. Exploration of the effects of several different variables.
- SCALES.BA 696 (11-20-87)
- Test your hearing by making different tones for you to hear.
- SIMON.BA 2507 (06-30-88)
- A Model 100 version of the game which builds your memory by generating tunes and repeating them. This version allows for one or two players.
- SOLAR.BA 2919 (01-13-91)
- SOLAR.DO 6135 (02-26-91)
- A program to display azimuth and altitude of the sun for date, latitude and longitude. local sunrise and sunset are also shown.
- SPEDRD.BA 1066 (06-30-88)
- Teaches speed reading. To use this program you must have some text file in RAM for the program to format.
- SQUNCE.BA 1622 (06-30-88)
- Find the sequence of numbers in a list. Great to improve your algebra skills.
- STUDY.BA 4089 (07-01-88)
- SCOLAR.DO 8491 (06-30-88)
- LESSON.DO 3873 (06-30-88)
- Program enables students to review information or study it for the first time as the program utilizes lessons on file to provide questions. The lessons may have up to 100 questions.
- TYPNG2.BA 5229 (11-20-87)
- Typing driller. Can be modified to do have different drills by replacing the data statements in the program.
- VOCAB.BA 2520 (07-02-88)
- VOCAB1.DO 1149 (06-30-88)
- VOCAB2.DO 1172 (06-30-88)
- Vocabulary Builder. Great for anybody wishing to improve their vocabulary. VOCAB1.DO data file of nouns A-B. VOCAB2.DO data file of adjectives T-W.
- WHOAMI.BA 2341 (06-30-88)
- A bible quiz game. It asks the question "Who Am I?"

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