Club 100 thanks Lizard Hill Hosting for their generous service in hosting all of the Club 100 program and documentation files (over 1 gigabyte) for the continued benefit of Model 100, 102 and 200 owners world wide. Club 100 encourages folks to choose Lizard Hill Hosting as their domain hosting service. -Rick-
Document Hosting Provided by Lizard Hill Hosting
- COPYFL.BA 4943 (06-24-89)
- COPYFL.DO 8067 (06-24-89)
- Allows you to select and copy files from one disk to another using the TDD2 in much the same way that you make a backup, but does not format the target disk. FLOPPY-2 must be installed!
- DIRECT.BA 1754 (06-30-88)
- A stand alone program that will display the file directory of a disk in the first Tandy Portable Disk Drive (100K) on the screen of the M100/102 or M200.
- DMPTCH.DO 830 (11-20-87)
- This is a patch for version 3.01 of DSKMGR.CO which makes the [ENTER] key if pressed without typing anything default to the Model 100's main menu.
- DSKMGR.100 8824 (11-20-87)
- DSKMGR.200 6784 (01-21-90)
- DSKMGR.KYO 6784 (12-02-92)
- DSKMGR.DOC 11961 (11-20-87)
- Creates DSKMGR.CO which is an excellent alternative to FLOPPY.CO for the first Tandy Portable Disk Drive (100K). DSKMGR.CO will work with the 200K drive, but it cannot read the second directory! Use DSKMGR.KYO for the Kyotronics 85.
- DSKMOV.BA 7478 (06-30-88)
- DSKMOV.DO 2289 (06-30-88)
- Relocator for the famous DSKMGR.CO, a dream come true! Allows you to run other "CO" programs at the top of RAM without sacrificing your operating system.
- ERASER.BA 1196 (09-22-91)
- Allows you to delete "illegally named" files accidentally saved to disk on the first Tandy Portable Disk Drive (100K). ERASER will work on the 200K drive, but it cannot access the second directory. No operating system required!
- FLIP.BA 872 (05-05-90)
- FLIP.DO 1390 (05-05-90)
- Allows you to swap the directory in sector 0 for 1, for the M100/102 or M200. FLOPPY-2 must be installed!
- HDFLOP.BA 338 (07-02-88)
- Clears memory before loading a DOS for a Tandy Portable Disk Drive.
- LILDEX.BA 2844 (11-20-87)
- LILDOS.BA 2908 (11-20-87)
- LILDOS.DO 4383 (11-20-87)
- If you own POWR-DISK download LILDEX.BA, if you own POWR-DOS download LILDOS.BA to create a alphabetical index of filenames on your Tandy Portable Disk Drive.
- MARIAN.BA 3392 (11-29-90)
- MARIAN.DO 5335 (12-24-90)
- This is a program for cataloging the files on your disks.
- MONTD2.100 3147 (08-02-90)
- MONTD2.200 3157 (08-22-92)
- A sector access program for the TDD2, you can examine the data on a TDD2 disk, rewrite sectors or dump them to a ASCII file. You can also examine sectors on a TDD1 disks and dump them to RAM, but you cannot rewrite sectors on a TDD1 disk. FLOPPY-2 must be installed!
- N-DKTR.BA 4745 (11-13-92)
- N-DKTR.DO 12562 (11-13-92)
- A sector access program for viewing and recovering "DO" files form the RAMPAC, compatable with the M100/102 or M200.
- NPL.100 8230 (11-11-92)
- NPL.200 8234 (11-11-92)
- NPL.DOC 5775 (11-12-92)
- Creates NPL.CO which allows you to transfer files and programs between a RAMPAC and a TDD1 or TDD2, includes wild card commands, directory swap and much more!
- READUM.BA 1373 (07-01-88)
- Reads in data from a bad disk on the Chipmunk drive.
- RECOV2.BA 2845 (10-30-89)
- RECOV2.DO 5025 (10-30-89)
- A last chance program for recovering "DO" files from a damaged TDD1 or TDD2 disk using the TDD2. Recovers a file by contiguous sectors and saves them to a single file in RAM.
- SECTOR.BA 5115 (12-15-89)
- A sector access program that doesn't require FLOPPY or any other DOS.
- SS-DIR.BA 680 (11-20-87)
- SS-DIR.DO 1068 (11-20-87)
- Gives a single screen directory for the first Tandy Portable Disk Drive (100K), POWR-DOS must be installed!
- TD1DIR.BA 1338 (07-03-90)
- A stand alone program that reads the disk directory of a TDD1 and writes it to a "DO" file, for the M100/102 or M200.
- TD2DIR.BA 1380 (07-03-90)
- A stand alone program that reads both directories of a TDD2 and writes them to a "DO" file, for the M100/102 or M200.
- TDDCMD.BA 9539 (11-28-90)
- A runable tutorial of commands for the first Tandy Portable Disk Drive (100K), has a lot of support information!
- TDDMON.BA 2526 (11-20-87)
- TDDMON.DO 2001 (11-20-87)
- If you own POWR-DISK you can use this program to examine and change sectors on a Tandy Portable Disk Drive. If you are interested in how the drive works check out this program!
Programs for the Disk Video Interface.
- BOOT.BA 462 (09-19-91)
- Allows you to switch the DOS for the Disk Video Interface in and out of HIMEM without resetting your machine, saves 5K of memory when not using the DVI.
- CAT100.BA 3875 (08-17-92)
- A cataloging program for the Disk Video Interface.
- D-ZAP.BA 6138 (09-19-91)
- A disk monitor and change program for the Disk Video Interface with built in help screen, parts of the program are in machine code for faster operation.
- DISKMD.BA 7000 (11-20-90)
- A disk monitor and change program for the Disk Video Interface with a search string feature, instructions included in the program.
- FATPRT.BA 1101 (09-19-91)
- FATPRT.DO 4304 (09-19-91)
- Prints the directory from a DVI disk, includes file type and starting cluster (useful for repairing files). It also prints out the FAT table see, FATPRT.DO.
- L-DVI.BA 1507 (11-20-87)
- Enables or disables the software for the Disk Video Interface while saving the date/time. It will disable POWR-DISK or TS-DOS and activate the 80 x 24 screen.
- L-POWR.BA 283 (11-20-87)
- Installs POWR-D.CO into high memory, if the Disk Video Interface is engaged it will disable its software first.
- L-TSD.BA 219 (11-20-87)
- Installs DOS100.CO into high memory, if the Disk Video Interface is engaged it will disable its software first, then execute a RUNM "TSLOAD which in turn will load and run DOS100.CO from disk.
- READ.BA 814 (09-19-91)
- Prints files from a DVI disk to the screen or a printer, may also be used on a Chipmunk drive.
- RECOVR.BA 635 (09-19-91)
- RECOVR.DO 1402 (09-19-91)
- A file recovery program for the Disk Video Interface which accesses a disk at the track level, can be used to recover files and save them to a new disk.

The Original Laptop Computer . . . 1983