Commercial Sofware in Public Domain |
Club 100 thanks Lizard Hill Hosting for their generous service in hosting all of the Club 100 program and documentation files (over 1 gigabyte) for the continued benefit of Model 100, 102 and 200 owners world wide. Club 100 encourages folks to choose Lizard Hill Hosting as their domain hosting service. -Rick-
Document Hosting Provided by Lizard Hill Hosting
Listed below are some x-commercial software and some program collections. We used to sell these commercial programs and program collections to help support the Club. This was back during the '80s, and early '90s before the mass use of the Internet network via the web browser. Club 100 no longer needs to sell these items to pay the bills, so we'll just give them away.
Today is a new day.
These items are now given to say.
The spirit of sharing is the Club 100 way.
All of the progamming below is in its native form not in ASCII (not .DO). Therefore, you must be able to transfer .BA and in some cases, .CO files from your DOS/Windows or Mac computer to your Model 100, 102 or 200 in order to use the programming. The Club 100's HOT SETUP will allow you to transfer all file types if you do not already have this capability. The Lapdos II and WP2DOS programs run from a DOS computer, so there is no need to transfer them to your Model "T" computer.
Each collection is zipped into a self-deARCing .exe file. Simply download the collection, place it in a seperate sub-directory on your hard drive and run it. It will automatically deARC. The .exe file runs on DOS/Windows computers and Mac's running a true DOS emmulator.
- Lapdos II lap-arc.exe | Docs | Supplement | Cable Diagrams
- For use with NON-Windows PCs, Only! Transfer files between Model 100/102/200/NEC8201 or TPDD/TPDD2 and most all DOS computers. Supports all file types (.DO, .BA, and .CO). This is a "must have program" for DOS PC owners. CompLink cable required for Model T to DOS (see CompLink Cables). TPDD/TPDD2 connection requires only a simple port adapter to mate TPDD/TPDD2 cable to DOS COM1 or COM2 port.
- WP2DOS Plus wp2-arc.exe | Cable Diagrams | Docs
- Transfer and translate files between your WP-2 and all DOS computers. Supports all DOS word processing programs either directly or via ASCII. You will need to buy or build a null-modem cable.
08-Nov-02 Charles Good, Venedocia, OH: "WP2DOS has been successfully tested by me with Windows 95, 98, and NT. I will soon be able to test it on Windows 2000."
02-Feb-03 Charles Good, Venedocia, OH: I have recently reported that wp2dos, the software used to load and save files from a wp2 to a pc's hard drive, works with various versions of Windows. This is still true, BUT, wp2dos will not work from hard drives formatted with fat32 which is how most hard drives are formatted these days. The solution is to put wp2dos on a floppy disk and run it from the floppy.
- Drew Blanchar Collection db.exe
- A special collection of unique programming by a master programmer. Something for everyone. Fun, interesting, and useful.
- Electronic Tech Collection et.exe
- A special collection of technical programming by a master electrician.
- Sampler 1 (Model 100/102) sam1.exe
- A special collection of programs showing off our library collection's breadth. Assembled by our online librarian. All good stuff. Well worth owning.
- Sampler 2 (Model 200) sam2.exe
- A special collection of programs showing off our library collection's for Model 200 users. Assembled by our online librarian. All good stuff. Well worth owning.
- Christmas Music xmas.exe
- This is amazing programming, complete with graphics. Most programs run on all Model 100, 102, and 200's. A must for the holidays.
- VT-100 Emulation vt100.exe
- A special for those wanting to use their Model 100 or 102 in VT-100 mode on-line. NOT available for Model 200 or NEC8201.
- Let's Play Monopoly lpm.exe
- Need we say more? It's GREAT! Live action, a must to own. For Model 100 and 102 only.
- View 80 on disk view80.exe
- When all you need to do is see more characters on your LCD in TEXT, BASIC, or TELCOM. For the Model 100 and 102 only.
- Portal of Light pol.exe
- The most amazing 3D maze game ever invented for Model T's. This is "the tough one" For Model 100 and 102 only.
- 50 Great California Games 50gg.exe
- One winter's day back in 1986, this author collected together absolutely every game available in the Club 100 library at that time. If you like games then this is for you!. You will be amazed at the awesome level of programming in this collection. Something for Models 100/102/200.
- GWBasic gwbasic.exe
- The built-in Model 100/102/200 BASIC and GWBASIC are extremely similar.
- Virtual Vanessa vv.zip
- A "Closed System" emulator for the TRS-80 Model 100. This is version dated Sep 06 1998, copyright 1991-1998 by Kurt Dekker (kwd@plbm.com). The link above is a .zip that includes the vv.exe program, documentation and a number of programs built specifically to run on a Model 100 or 102. This is a shareware program. Details for its use and registration are included in the archive.
- Virtual T Emulator VirtualT
- A Full Featured emulator for the TRS-80 Model 100, 102, 200. The link above is reference to the shareware source code site for the project on Sourceforge.net.

The Original Laptop Computer . . . 1983