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DICE-WAVs.txt Model T Dice Box - links to cassette .WAV audio versions of the .BA and .DO files (written by me) just for kicks. Each file is not quite 8MB in size. Go ahead, give your cassette input port some exercise! :-) ... link to the tokenized .BA file --> ... link to the source .DO file -->
591 b
08.02.2021 00:40

Steve Baker

DICE.BA Model T Dice Box - tokenized BASIC file for RPG dice roll simulator, supporting a wide variety of popular dice mechanics (written by me)
12.25 Kb
20.12.2020 21:55

Steve Baker

DICE.BY Model T Dice Box - REX backup for RPG dice roll simulator, supporting a wide variety of popular dice mechanics (written by me)
32 Kb
20.12.2020 21:55

Steve Baker

DICE.DO Model T Dice Box - source code for RPG dice roll simulator, supporting a wide variety of popular dice mechanics (written by me)
16.18 Kb
20.12.2020 21:55

Steve Baker

Gold Card 7.10 Photos and 1988 Review.pd 20-page PDF of Gold Card v7.10 Photos and 1988 Review (Updated) --> 2 x 256Kb IC Card Storage Expansion (512Kb total) for the Model T (100/102). Got this working and took some initial photos to get a feel for what this is capable of doing. The PDF includes T102 screen shots, photos of the chip and drive hardware, and two articles from Portable 100, Fall 1988. Updated --> Added pics of the IC card battery compartment and a different 32Kb IC card (it works!).
1.92 Mb
11.01.2021 09:12

Steve Baker

Romulus-Chess-T200-Manual.pdf Romulus Chess manual for the classic T200 chess game, in low but legible resolution PDF format. The cassette WAV files are available here --> and (same content on both sides... I think!)
1.56 Mb
07.01.2023 08:03

Steve Baker

Tandy Model 100 ROM Functions.pdf 13-page PDF scan of a document from Radio Shack that describes the Model 100 ROM Functions (700-2245) organized into multiple categories (LCD, Keyboard, Printer, Serial, Cassette, etc.) with information about the function name, description, and Hex. entry address. "These pages provide essential information for using ROM functions."
980.4 Kb
13.01.2021 03:43

Steve Baker

Tandy_Technical_Bulletin_-_Model_100_198 Four-page PDF with Tandy Technical Bulletins for the Model 100: (1) 26-3802 RS-232 problems with DC-1200 and Model 12; (2) 26-3802 Battery replacement for the main logic board; (3) 26-3801 Different versions of ROM's. Somebody awesome posted this somewhere (sorry I'm not sure who to thank for this!) and I'm just posting it here for convenience. Cheers!
1.29 Mb
09.01.2021 04:45

Steve Baker

Tandy_Technical_Bulletin_-_Model_200_198 Five-page PDF with Tandy Technical Bulletins for the Model 200: (1) 26-3860 Memory upgrade and checkout procedure; (2) 26-3860 Installation procedure of nicad upgrade. Somebody awesome posted this somewhere (sorry I'm not sure who to thank for this!) and I'm just posting it here for convenience. Cheers!
981 Kb
09.01.2021 04:50

Steve Baker

disk31.bx Disk+ (a.k.a Disk 4) ver 3.1 BX file (tested in REX)
32 Kb
20.12.2020 02:20

Steve Baker

disk31.hex Disk+ (a.k.a Disk 4) ver 3.1 ROM image
64 Kb
19.12.2020 06:19

Steve Baker

gold71.bx BX file (tested in REX) of Gold Card v7.10, a 2x256Kb storage expansion device for the M100/T102. This chip requires the hardware device (plugged into the System BUS) and at least one IC card. See the PDF in this folder for photos of the software and hardware in action.
32 Kb
20.12.2020 02:21

Steve Baker

gold71.hex HEX image of the Gold Card v7.10 chip, a 2x256Kb storage expansion device for the M100/T102. This chip requires the hardware device (plugged into the System BUS) and at least one IC card. See the PDF in this folder for photos of the software and hardware in action.
64 Kb
19.12.2020 06:20

Steve Baker

plan10.bx Microsoft MultiPlan v1.0 BX file (tested in REX) (this is widely available elsewhere, but hey I was learning how to convert HEX files so why not)
32 Kb
20.12.2020 02:22

Steve Baker

plan10.hex Microsoft MultiPlan v1.0 ROM extract (this is widely available elsewhere, but hey I was learning how to extract ROMs so why not)
64 Kb
19.12.2020 06:23

Steve Baker

r2c-nec.bin Binary extract of ROM2/Cleuseau chip for the NEC PC8201A ... at least I hope so. I don't have a NEC so I used a TL866II Plus to grab and save this binary file. The file size looks to be about right. I'm not sure how to test this but here it is just in case.
32 Kb
20.12.2020 07:38

Steve Baker

supr18.bx BX file (tested in REX) of the Super ROM v1.8 ROM from PCSG (I believe this is widely available elsewhere, but I was on a roll and extracted this anyway, just in case you need yet another copy)
32 Kb
20.12.2020 02:23

Steve Baker

supr18.hex HEX image of Super ROM v1.8 from PCSG (I believe this is widely available elsewhere, but I was on a roll and extracted this anyway, just in case you need yet another copy)
64 Kb
19.12.2020 06:24

Steve Baker

Total Space Used: 7.15 Mb

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