Club100 Member Upload Library
| DOS200d.BX |
TS-DOS 4.1d For Tandy 200. This is version 4.1 of TS-DOS with modifications to help with Bluetooth connections.
32 Kb
17.04.2016 09:26
TS-DOS 4.1d For the NEC 8201/8300. This is version 4.1 of TS-DOS with modifications to help with Bluetooth connections.
32 Kb
17.04.2016 09:26
| TSD100.BX |
TS-DOS version 4 with modifications to work under Bluetooth connections. This does not contain the shift-down bug fix that version 4.1 for the 200 and NEC contain. I'll upload that after making the 4.1 patch.
32 Kb
17.04.2016 09:24
Total Space Used: 96 Kb |
Powered by PHP Advanced Transfer Manager v1.30 - @2002-2005 Andrea Bugada, Club100 Adaptation 2005 Ken Pettit
Last update April 26, 2021

The Original Laptop Computer . . . 1983