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Model 100 Program Book by Terry Kepner & David Huntress. ISBN: 0-9938862-26-X. 1984. This zip is the programs from the final Part 8 "Educational" Hang(man), TIME, TYPE (touchtyping teacher) and DRILL (very cool app). Hope the authors don't mind it here because their programs are helpful to new users of the 100/102 and 200. A file info txt files gives starting point details.
7.15 Kb
08.10.2012 06:47
Model 100 Program Book by Terry Kepner & David Huntress. ISBN: 0-9938862-26-X. 1984. This zip is the programs from Part 7 "Sound" MUSKEY, MORSE (neat!) and MUSIC8. Hope the authors don't mind it here because their programs are helpful to new users of the 100/102 and 200. A file info txt files gives starting point details.
4.9 Kb
08.10.2012 06:45
Model 100 Program Book by Terry Kepner & David Huntress. ISBN: 0-9938862-26-X. 1984. This zip is the programs from Part 6 "Utilities" WORDCT, LENCTR,CONVR and MEMSCN and PRINT. Hope the authors don't mind it here because their programs are helpful to new users of the 100/102 and 200. A file info txt files gives starting point details. Note: I decided to skip part 5 "graphics" so that the authors/publisher won't get annoyed for everything being given away, even though I bought the book. part 5 was kinda the thinnest of all the chapters anyway. (RE-uploaded to add the PRINT program)
6.47 Kb
02.10.2012 08:11
Model 100 Program Book by Terry Kepner & David Huntress. ISBN: 0-9938862-26-X. 1984. This zip is the programs from Part 4 "Games" TICTAC, MASTER, MIMIC,REVERS,WUMPUS,INVDRS. Hope the authors don't mind it here because their programs are helpful to new users of the 100/102 and 200. A file info txt files gives starting point details.
9.57 Kb
29.09.2012 05:01
Model 100 Program Book by Terry Kepner & David Huntress. ISBN: 0-9938862-26-X. 1984. This zip is the programs from Part 3 "Home Programs" CALNDR, LOANS1, PHONE, CHECK, BUDGET,MILE, MAIN(t), MAIL. Hope the authors don't mind it here because their programs are helpful to new users of the 100/102 and 200. A file info txt files gives starting point details.
9.52 Kb
27.09.2012 06:57
Model 100 Program Book by Terry Kepner & David Huntress. ISBN: 0-9938862-26-X. 1984. This zip is the programs from Part 2 "Business Programs" MARGIN, EXPNSE, BRV, BArH, PIE, LINE, ZFAC, PURCHS, INVOICE, STATEMN . If you can somehow do it these days, get the book because it has a good intro and each program has good notes with detail. Hope the authors don't mind it here because their programs are helpful to new users of the 100/102 and 200. A file info txt files gives starting point details.
14.39 Kb
16.09.2012 07:04
Model 100 Program Book by Terry Kepner & David Huntress. ISBN: 0-9938862-26-X. 1984. This zip is the programs from Part 1 "Financial Programs" GROWTH, DEP1, CMPDN, DEPRE, AMORT, INSTAL, NOTES, EFFECT, BOND and STOCK. If you can somehow do it these days, get the book because it has a good intro and each program has good notes with detail. Hope the authors don't mind it here because their programs are helpful to new users of the 100/102 and 200. If they had a donation system set up, I would use it... but I paid higher than the original price for my copy of the book :) .
Updated to add a overview File info txt file with some notes
10.42 Kb
16.09.2012 06:31
Total Space Used: 62.43 Kb |
Powered by PHP Advanced Transfer Manager v1.30 - @2002-2005 Andrea Bugada, Club100 Adaptation 2005 Ken Pettit
Last update April 26, 2021
The Original Laptop Computer . . . 1983