| DETOKE100.exe |
This is a quick and dirty Model 100/T102 BASIC detokenizer. It takes a tokenized BASIC file, and converts it to plain text. It doesn't complain, it just decodes. It was written in C#. It works on Windows, Linux (via Mono). It probably works on OSX as well (via Mono). You must run it from a command line. Don't double click it. Give it one parameter, the name of your tokenized .BA file, and it will convert the contents as plain text. I wrote it because I had a corrupted BA file and none of the emulators would process it. DETOKE100.EXE doesn't validate the BA, it does its best until it crashes.
12/22/2022 - fix to handle REM shortcut (') comments
7.5 Kb
22.12.2022 08:19