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BCONV.DO base converter....I like this one because I wrote it for one, and it has some neat features...give it a's quite handy. It's fancier than bconv1...bconv1 is smaller.
929 b
06.07.2007 13:45

Steve Adolph

BCONV1.DO A universal base converter. Very compact version of BCONV. Supports bases 2, 10 and 16. Enter in any base, and convert to any base. Maximum value = 65535 decimal. Enter changes bases, delete clears the value. Basic program is 261 bytes.
318 b
14.01.2009 04:51

Steve Adolph

BCONV2.DO Improved version of BCONV1. BCONV2 displays decimal and hex values in the following format: XXXXX YYYYY ZZZZZ where z=x*256+y. This is useful for basic coding since many times you need to look at a dual memory location to calculate a pointer. Again, very compact. Basic program is 315 bytes.
394 b
14.01.2009 05:47

Steve Adolph

BCONV3.DO Latest version of BCONV. Displays decimal values in the following format: C XXXXX C YYYYY ZZZZZ where z=x*256+y, and C are the ascii characters for XXXXX and YYYYY. The addition of ascii codes now allows easy conversion from numbers to characters. Basic code is 342 characters long.
432 b
14.01.2009 05:43

Steve Adolph

HEX2BIN.EXE dos utility for converting intel hex files to binary files
11.37 Kb
08.07.2007 12:06

Steve Adolph One liner: A universal base converter. Very verycompact version of BCONV. Supports bases 2, 10 and 16. Enter in any base, and convert to any base. Maximum value = 65535 decimal. Enter changes bases, delete clears the value. Basic program is 201 bytes. Entering value > 65535 decimal breaks it. Hit enter to get things rolling. O/W the same as BCONV1.
250 b
14.01.2009 00:57

Steve Adolph

bconv3.exe BCONV3.EXE --> this is a freebasic compiled version of BCONV3.DO. It runs in windows. Previously posted version had a bug..sorry. Corrected.
23 Kb
19.05.2008 09:59

Steve Adolph Universal number converter and memory inspector. All features of BCONV3 plus- +/- increments or decrements (value/pointer to memory) M - set to Memory inspection mode, <# XXXX> indicates content of memory cell, and value of memory cell. N - set to Number mode format: C XXXXX C YYYYY ZZZZZ where z=x*256+y, and C are the ascii characters for XXXXX and YYYYY. Basic program is 480 bytes long.
606 b
14.01.2009 07:10

Steve Adolph

hex2do.bas HEX2DO Windows executable compiled from free basic Converts an M100 ML program in Intel HEX format to a compact .DO program for easy transfer and running in M100. --------------------------------------------- To turn the source code into the windows executable, you need Freebasic. the command is simple- fbc -lang qb %1.bas ---------------------- How it works: Starting from an Assembly program, compile it into Intel HEX - SRC.HEX The ORG address of the binary should be remembered; you will need to CLEAR to that address in the M100 later. Run HEX2DO in the same directory provide the source file name SRC - HEX2DO will process this to produce SRC.DO SRC.DO is transferable over serial to the M100 as a basic program in .DO format. In the M100, clear to the ORG address, and then load/run SRC.DO
1.93 Kb
18.09.2019 02:47

Steve Adolph

hex2do.exe the executable....
98.5 Kb
18.09.2019 05:53

Steve Adolph

Total Space Used: 137.66 Kb

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