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CNVRT1.CO is for the M100/T102. 07/28/2011
This program converts numbers that you enter from Decimal to Hex to Binary. The user enters a letter to designate the base of the number being entered (D,H, of B) followed by the appropriate digits, then presses Enter to show that number and it's equivalents in the other two number bases.
The number entered must not exceed D65535, HFFFF, or B1111111111111111. Error checking is performed on the input according to the base selected (D,H, or B). Upper case and lower case input (where appropriate) are supported. Prior to selecting CNVRT1.CO from the Menu, you must go to BASIC and clear memory for CNVRT1.CO to run. You do this with the command CLEAR0,61880 <enter>. Then return to Menu, move the widebar cursor over CNVRT1.CO and presse Enter.
1.05 Kb
07.08.2011 07:39
CNVRT2.CO is for the T200 07/28/2011
This program converts numbers that you enter from Decimal to Hex to Binary. The user enters a letter to designate the base of the number being entered (D,H, of B) followed by the appropriate digits, then presses Enter to show that number and it's equivalents in the other two number bases.
The number entered must not exceed D65535, HFFFF, or B1111111111111111. Error checking is performed on the input according to the base selected (D,H, or B). Upper case and lower case input (where appropriate) are supported. Prior to selecting CNVRT2.CO from the Menu, you must go to BASIC and clear memory for CNVRT2.CO to run. You do this with the command CLEAR0,60000 <enter>. Then return to Menu, move the widebar cursor over CNVRT2.CO and press Enter.
1.05 Kb
07.08.2011 07:40
The code has 6 key subroutines. Three error-check user input in the respective input bases to create a single two byte word (I call it WORD16) in memory that is the equivalent of that input. Then 3 other subroutines take the WORD16 value and create ASCII readable versions in the three base formats and places them on the screen. I am far from an expert with 8085 assembly and I adapted code snippets found in two books: "8080A-8085 Assembly Language Programming" by Lance Leventhal (ISBN 0931988-10-1), and "8080/8085 Assembly Language Subroutines" by Lance Leventhal and Winthrop Saville (ISBN 0-07-931058-3). Other references include "Inside the M100" by Carl Oppedahl, an article by Greg Susong titled "Calling all Peeks" in "Portable 100 Magazine", May 1986, page 7, and an article by Paul Globman titled "Machine Language Programming Tips" in the April 1991 issue of "Portable 100 Magazine"on page 21. Special thanks to Ken Pettit, Ron Hudson, and John Hogerhuis for helping me at times along the way.
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11.03.2013 02:56
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Last update April 26, 2021
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