From the Club 100 support files ( COLD RESTART RECOVERY by TRACY ALLEN Cold start! All your work disappears from your menu and the date reverts to 01/01/00! Don't panic. You may still be able to recover your text documents. Do _not_ start on a new text document! Immediately enter BASIC and type in the following short program: OPEN "IT" FOR OUTPUT AS 1 FOR X=????? TO HIMEM : PRINT#1,CHR$(PEEK(X)); : NEXT You should type this in without line numbers. Type in the first line, from OPEN through 1, then press ENTER. Then type in the second line all the way from the FOR through the NEXT, then press ENTER. Substitute the appropriate value for the amount of memory you have in place of the ?????. For a 32K M100/102 use ?????=32768. For a 24K M100/102 use ?????=40960. And for a T200 (in the 24K bank that is cold started!) use ?????=40960. Be very careful also to put in the colons, semicolons and parentheses where called for. After you hit ENTER, the recovery process takes __five minutes__, during which nothing seems to be happening. Wait it out. When the OK prompt reappears, tap F8 to return to the menu, and you will see the one document file "IT.DO". You can now edit "IT.DO" using TEXT. There will be junk at the beginning and at the end. The junk at the beginning is the remains of your BASIC programs (if any). You may recognize a lot of the stuff that identifies them, like prompts or DATA statements they contain. Sorry, it is generally impossible to recover BASIC programs. You use the F7 key and the cursor keys to select the junk at the beginning of the file, up to the recognizable start of your documents, and then press F6 to delete it. Now, move to the end of your recognizable text. What comes after is the remnants of your machine language programs (if any) and assorted other unrecoverable gibberish. Use F7 and the cursor keys to select that stuff, and then use F6 to eliminate it. Then copy one character from the text (F7--select any character--F5), to clear out the paste buffer. Now go back to the menu (F8). You should see IT.DO reduced in size and the FREE MEMORY increased in size (depending on how many documents vs programs and free memory you had before the cold start). Now you can go into TEXT again and either save the whole mess of documents onto a printer or tape or what have you, and/or you can cut and paste to chop the long document up into its proper pieces. Keep a copy of the above program taped to the bottom of your computer, just in case! The original version of this program was contributed by the late Bill Templeton. This write-up by Tracy Allen is a Club 100 research project. --