Fri, 13 Sep 2013

MandelZoom by Jan Vanden Bossche (c)2013

Program File:
MZ.DO -- Main program file

I like to use my Model T for programming. Even as an IT-professional, it is refreshing to be able to make a computer do exactly what you want, with your own responsabilities, without being a 'user' of yet another program you bought or downloaded. I try e.g. to calculate numbers like pi, e and the golden ratio. I also like to use the limited graphical possibilities - both in pixels as in characters - to make nice moving or static displays. (my previous entry was KALEI4, a caleidoscope gnerator) The program Mandelzoom was first described in Scientific American in August 1985. As a college student, I read this in the library, and have coded it since then on virtually every computer I had.

This is the version for the Model T, 100 or 102, and Olivetti M10. I have standardized my code for easier transfer to other screens and resolutions. My program takes into account the aspect ration of the screen, together with the pixeldensity. The A.R of the Model T screen is 1/6, the density is 1, because there are as many pixels in the X as in the Y direction. That was not the case in eg. Model 4 Hi-res (0,5) CGA, (0,42) or EGA (0,73)

You don't have to give numbers if you don't know how and where to calculate the Mandelbrot Set. The program takes default values if you don't give any. The only thing you need is time and patience, as the picture develops itself on the black-and-white screen. It takes several hours!

To learn more about the Mandelbrot set, read:

Jan Vanden Bossche, Leuven, Flanders, Belgium

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